Saturday, February 29, 2020

Article review

Should the Texas Legislature continue to serve as a part-time law making body, only meeting in regular session for 140 days every two years, or should it change to a full-time body meeting in regular session each year? The Texas Legislature should continue to serve as a part-time law making body. It would allow the most important matters to be addressed and taken care of first. The only downfall would be the less important matters may be overlooked. I believe that if the Texas Legislature were to meet in regular sessions each year there would be many changes in the law. I think that only meeting for 140 days every two years allows issues that occur a chance to resolve itself and allows the most important matters to be taken care of. Although having regular sessions would allow the small issues to be brought to the Texas Legislature’s attention it could harm the process of law making because the more crucial problems could be overrun by the many smaller ones, because of the increased time to resolve certain matters. Should the $7,200 annual salary for Texas legislators be lowered, maintained, or increased? I believe that the salary should be raised to that of a reasonable pay to which a person could live off of. Texas Legislatures deserve to get paid more than minimum wage for the work that they do not just for themselves, but for the state. They make decisions that effect Texan’s lives and with that reason I believe we should raise their salary to an amount that can accommodate their duties as a Texas Legislature. Texas Legislatures do get compensation which is about 168,000, according to The Book of the States, 2010 Edition, vol.42 (Lexington, Ky. : Council of State Governments, 2010), 113-116. This may be the reason many Texans do not want to raise their salary, but this allowance is only for regular and special sessions. The least that we voters can do is increase the pay for Legislatures of Texas because they serve an important role as a part of our state law making. The Texas governor is elected to a four-year term and there are no term limits on how many terms or yearâ₠¬â„¢s one person can serve as the state’s chief executive. Should term limits be implemented to restrict the total number of terms or years one person can serve as Texas governor? There should be term limits to restrict the total number of terms or years a person can serve as a Texas Governor, because it allows a Governor who may be better suited for the job a better chance to take office. Just as there is a limit for President, the same rules should apply, when it comes to limitations for serving. If a Governor is allowed to run for as long as he/she is elected than there is no chance for a change of certain policies that can benefit the state. Another candidate may have new and fresh ideas for the state, but have less of chance of being able to implement them because certain voters may favor the Governor already in office. People are also scared of change and tend to stick with what they are comfortable with. Having a new Governor may not be appealing to them. Without a term limit the Governor can be in office for longer than he/she should be.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Concept Knowledge Transfer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Concept Knowledge Transfer - Essay Example The researcher states that knowledge management defines what is important and vital and enables a firm to create a knowledge transfer system that ensures that workers acquire that grasp of the knowledge and understand how to apply it for improved results. This implies that knowledge transfer is a system through which workers are given guided knowledge upgrade and made to become more productive in their capacities within an organization. Many authoritative writers in the field of human resource management argue that human capital is a tool for competitive advantage and the ability to improve human capital through knowledge transfer ensures a firm remains a leader in the industry. Linda Argote and Paul Ingram in their preliminary study also stated that the creation and transfer of knowledge is the basis of competitive advantage in firms. In building on this premise, they go further to investigate the various facades of knowledge transfer. Knowledge transfer is done on the level of a un it in an organization in the collective sense and also done on an individual basis. For all practical purposes and to attain effectiveness, Argote and Ingram argue that there is the need for firms to identify â€Å"reservoirs† of knowledge in organizations to better focus their efforts and also optimize their resources in knowledge transfers. Through this, they can define the real needs of that unit and streamline it with the overall strategic objectives of the firm. This brings about better results and enhances the planning process and implementation of knowledge transfer activities. The creation and definition of knowledge reservoirs lead to member-member networks and member-task networks that gives significance and meanings to knowledge and its essence in making a firm competitive in outlook. With that background, a firm can streamline its affairs to impart knowledge and also make the best of the knowledge transferred to staff members in their operations.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Civil rights and hospitality business Research Paper

Civil rights and hospitality business - Research Paper Example A failure to oversee that everyone’s civil rights are respected may lead to costly and time consuming law suits against the business (39). The civil rights law is embedded in the country’s regulations under the Civil Rights Act 1964. There are many states that have more inclusive rights in their laws than the Civil Rights Act. The main issue that these law addresses is discrimination and the equal treatment of all. In the hospitality industry, discrimination depending on race, gender, color, nationality, religious affiliation and social class is not allowed (Goodwin and Gaston 15). Any form of differential treatment for any employee or customer may lead to a court case and possibly, serious repercussions for the business. Employment in the hospitality business is one of those areas that are likely to present a problem regarding civil rights (Chon and Maier 30). The employers or persons involved in the employment process should ensure that the whole process is conducted in a manner that does not violate other people’s civil rights. Everyone should be afforded equal treatment in the employment process as th e law requires. Race discrimination is the most common form of discrimination in the hospitality industry. In 2006, Cracker Barrel agreed to pay some $2 million to its African American employees who had sued the company for being racially discriminated against. The employees claimed that they were subjected to language that they said was racially derogatory. They also said that the restaurant required them to serve customers that the white employees refused to serve for one reason or another. Another of their complaints was that they were forced to work in smoking zones and their white counterparts had the freedom to refuse to do so. The last of their complaint was a direct violation to their personal civil rights which could have even affected their